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April 28, 2023

What is B2B Go-To-Market Strategy in 2023?

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GTM News

Mark Stouse is a powerhouse of marketing, go-to-market, and growth knowledge.

Mark shared his thoughts on what go-to-market means for B2B and B2C organizations and how to leverage non-linear growth through effective GTM.


What is B2B Go-To-Market Strategy in 2023?

Go-to-market (GTM) is a business strategy that encompasses marketing, sales, customer success, and product development to introduce a product or service to the market. GTM helps companies bring a product to market in a way that ensures its success by aligning all aspects of the business towards a common goal. The primary objective of GTM is to identify the target market and create a winning strategy to reach and engage the ideal customers.

B2C vs. B2B: Who has figured out GTM?

B2C companies have had a long time to refine their GTM strategy, with many successfully integrating marketing, sales, and customer success in their business model. In the B2C world, the head of marketing often takes on the role of the general manager, responsible for determining pricing and product parameters, and is accountable for the profit and loss of the business.

In contrast, B2B marketers often operate in isolation, with marketing and sales teams working independently of each other. The marketing team is usually responsible for the top-of-the-funnel leads, while the sales team is responsible for closing deals. While this may work in the short term, it does not support a long-term growth strategy.

Marketing's role in the overall GTM strategy

Marketing is not just about generating leads. It can impact the entire flywheel of a business and its overall objectives. Marketing teams should be an integral part of the overall business objectives and GTM strategy. Understanding the customers' journey and how marketing can influence each step of the process is key to a successful GTM strategy.

Customer success as a vital component of GTM

Customer success should be an essential part of any GTM strategy. Your best source of growth is right in front of you, with current customers being an excellent source of upsell and referral opportunities. Customer success teams should be aligned with the sales and marketing teams, working together to ensure a positive customer experience that leads to customer loyalty and increased revenue.

Product manifestation of the ICP

A product is the manifestation of the Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). Before launching a product, it is crucial to understand your ICP, their needs, and their pain points. This information should be used to create a product that meets their specific requirements. Understanding your ICP and designing your product around them will help you create a more effective GTM strategy.

The power of non-linear GTM

Non-linear GTM is all about snowballing and compounding effectiveness. The right GTM strategy will build upon itself over time, creating a self-sustaining cycle that continues to grow and evolve. To achieve this, you need to identify the key drivers of your GTM strategy and work to optimize and improve them continually.

Analytics helps operationalize GTM

Operationalizing your GTM strategy is critical to achieving success. Analytics can help you manage and understand the variables in your GTM strategy. With so many data points to track, it can be challenging to identify which metrics are most important. Analytics can help you identify the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will drive your GTM strategy and enable you to make data-driven decisions.

In conclusion, GTM is a vital component of any successful business strategy. By aligning marketing, sales, customer success, and product development, companies can create a winning strategy that reaches and engages the ideal customers. Understanding the role of each team and how they can work together to achieve common goals is critical to success. Remember, GTM is not just about marketing; it is about creating a unified movement that encompasses all aspects of the business.