UPCOMING: The 4 B2B Demand Gen Levers Workshop
June 2, 2023

Webinars Done Right In 2023

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GTM News

Just saying the word "webinar" puts a bad taste in my mouth. They are usually either too salesy or too boring. But, done right can be a phenomenal way to build relationships at scale with your ideal customers and drive new revenue. Kris Sharma shares his strategy and formula for creating a truly helpful webinar for the audience. He also shares how to drive low cost registrations through a unique outbound strategies and much more.




Webinars have become a popular tool for businesses to engage with their audience, build relationships, and drive revenue. However, many webinars fall short by being either too salesy or simply boring. In this blog post, we will explore the key elements of successful webinars in 2023. We will learn from Kris Sharma's strategy and formula for creating compelling and helpful webinars, driving low-cost registrations through unique outbound strategies, and capturing audience attention from the get-go. Let's dive in and discover how to make webinars work for you!

Don't be Boring or Salesy

Webinars often have a negative reputation due to their tendency to be overly promotional or monotonous, especially in the B2B space. However, when done right, webinars can be an exceptional way to build relationships with your ideal customers and generate new revenue. Kris Sharma emphasizes the importance of avoiding the salesy approach and shares insights into creating webinars that truly help the audience. By providing valuable content and focusing on the audience's needs, you can establish credibility and foster connections with your target market.

The Perfect Formula for a Webinar

Gone are the days when viewers were willing to sit through endless product demos during webinars. To ensure maximum engagement, it is crucial to understand your audience's pain points and desired transformations. By addressing these key aspects and offering best practices, you can provide practical solutions that resonate with your attendees. Moreover, incorporating micro-commitments throughout the webinar can keep participants actively engaged and increase their likelihood of taking further action.

Outbound Webinar Strategy

In a stroke of serendipity, Kris Sharma stumbled upon a golden outbound strategy for webinars. Instead of simply asking prospects to meet through cold emails, he invited them to attend webinars. This approach proved to be highly effective in capturing their interest and generating responses. Leveraging webinars as an outreach tool allows you to provide value upfront, positioning yourself as a knowledgeable resource in your industry. This strategy can significantly enhance your chances of converting leads into customers.

You Gotta Fight for Attention

In an era where attention spans are diminishing, capturing and maintaining your audience's attention is paramount. When conducting webinars, it is essential to skip lengthy intros and biographical information. Get straight to the meat of your content and deliver it in a concise and engaging manner. While B2B audiences may have a longer attention span compared to TikTok users, the principle remains the same: you are in a constant battle for attention. By crafting captivating presentations and delivering information efficiently, you can keep your audience captivated and ensure they get the most out of your webinar.

Your Webinar Hook is Crucial

The success of your webinar hinges on the hook – the initial grabber that captures your audience's attention and keeps them engaged throughout. Find a hook that represents the transformation your customers are seeking. By offering real-world best practices and knowledge relevant to their needs, you establish yourself as a valuable resource. Additionally, providing knowledge that extends beyond your product's immediate scope can further strengthen your rapport with attendees. Even if it's a couple of degrees removed, it demonstrates your commitment to their success.


Webinars continue to be an effective tool for businesses to engage with their audience, build relationships, and drive revenue. By avoiding the pitfalls of being boring or salesy, following the perfect formula, leveraging outbound webinar strategies, fighting for attention, and crafting a compelling hook, you can create webinars that resonate with your target market and yield tangible results. Embrace these insights, implement them in your webinar strategy, and watch as your audience eagerly joins, engages, and ultimately converts into loyal customers

Taylor Wells Profile Photo

Taylor Wells

Founder & Host @ GTM.news

Taylor has lived and breathed B2B marketing & go-to-market strategies for over 10 years at boot-scrapped & growth stage businesses. He thrives on building amazing customers experiences through what he calls the Selfless Advantage. This approach is an unconditional approach to marketing that helps people & positions your business as the obvious choice. He is the Founder & CEO of Potential Opportunity.

Kris Sharma Profile Photo

Kris Sharma


Kris Sharma is the founder and Webinar Dude at WebinarGrow, a growth partner to SaaS brands around the world. Kris has helped clients generate more than $7 million in attributable revenue, thousands of qualified leads, and lots of killer webinars.