UPCOMING: The 4 B2B Demand Gen Levers Workshop

Matt Liebman

Matt Liebman Profile Photo

Senior Director of Sales Development

Matt is a Senior Director of Sales Development based in Portland, Oregon. Matt has 13 years of sales experience, with 8 years in sales leadership and the last 4 years leading and scaling sales development teams at GoGuardian, Airship, and Demandbase. Matt also started his own business in 2021, Play to Win Coaching, focused on assisting young professionals with their salary negotiations. In his free time, Matt enjoys exploring Portland's food scene, playing with his 2 and a half year old Bernedoodle Ollie, and playing and watching spots. Matt also coaches Men's High School soccer at Ida B Wells High School in Portland.

Jan. 26, 2024

Mastering the Art of Warm Introductions: A Guide for B2B Sales Professional & Job Seekers

In this insightful conversation, B2B go-to-market practitioners, AEs, BDRs, and SDRs discover expert tips and strategies for leveraging LinkedIn to secure valuable warm introductions. Join Taylor Wells as they speak with Mat…
April 7, 2023

Sales Development: Adapting as an SDR in 2023

The world has changed, and buyers are now smarter and harder to reach. The environment is more competitive, and it's no longer enough to rely on traditional sales tactics. Buyers have access to more information than ever bef…